S. Bourane

Dr Steeve Bourane

Diabète athérothrombose Thérapies Réunion Océan Indien  (UMR DéTROI  U1188) – Université de La Réunion-CYROI- 2, rue Maxime Rivière  97490 Sainte Clotilde – La Réunion – France Tel : (262) 262  Fax : (262) 262 93 82 37

Contact: steeve.bourane@inserm.fr

Steeve Bourane completed his PhD in December 2007 in the laboratory of Pr. Jean Valmier and Dr. Patrick Carroll (Institute for Neurosciences of Montpellier, France) followed by two years of temporary lecturer and research assistant (ATER) at the University of Montpellier II. The main focus of his research was to identify and characterize genes expressed in subtypes of sensory neurons of the dorsal root ganglia (DRG). From 2010 to 2016, Steeve Bourane performed a postdoctoral training with the Pr. Martyn Goulding at the Salk Institute in La Jolla (California, USA). His research focused on the identification and characterization of dorsal horn interneurons subtypes that receive, integrate and transmit sensory information such as pain, touch and itch coming from DRG neurons. In 2019, Steeve Bourane has been recruited as a tenured Research Fellow (Chargé de Recherche) at INSERM. He is also the laureate for the Atip-Avenir program that will allowed him to create and lead a research team working on diabetic neuropathy.

Main domains of expertise:

Sensory neurons, Dorsal spinal cord interneurons, Schwann cells, Diabetic neuropathy


Selected Publications:

2019     Acton D, Ren X, Di Costanzo S, Dalet A, Bourane S, Bertocchi I, Eva C, Goulding M. Spinal Neuropeptide Y1 Receptor-Expressing Neurons Form an Essential Excitatory Pathway for Mechanical Itch. Cell Rep. 2019 Jul 16; 28(3):625-639.

2017     Couret D, Bourane S, Catan A, Nativel B, Planesse C, Dorsemans AC, Ait-Arsa I, Cournot M, Rondeau P, Patche J, Tran-Dinh A, Lambert G, Diotel N, Meilhac O. A hemorrhagic transformation model of mechanical stroke therapy with acute hyperglycemia in mice. J Comp Neurol. 2017 Dec 26.

2016     Bourane S. Un circuit impliqué dans les démangeaisons mécaniques identifié au niveau de la moelle épinière. Med Sci (Paris) 2016; 32: 547–550.

2015     Bourane S, Duan B, Koch S, Dalet A, Britz O, Garcia-Campmany L, Kim E, Cheng L, Ghosh A, Ma Q, Goulding M. Gate control of mechanical itch by a subpopulation of spinal cord interneurons. Science. 2015 Oct 30; 350(6260):550-4

2015     Bourane S, Grossmann KS, Britz O, Dalet A, Del Barrio MG, Stam FJ, Garcia-Campmany L, Koch S, Goulding M. Identification of a spinal circuit for light touch and fine motor control. Cell. 2015 Jan 29; 160(3):503-15

2014     Duan B, Cheng L, Bourane S, Britz O, Padilla C, Garcia-Campmany L, Krashes M, Knowlton W, Velasquez T, Ren X, Ross SE, Lowell BB, Wang Y, Goulding M, Ma Q. Identification of spinal circuits transmitting and gating mechanical pain. Cell. 2014 Dec 4; 159(6):1417-32.

2012     Wende H, Lechner SG, Cheret C, Bourane S, Kolanczyk ME, Pattyn A, Reuter K, Munier       FL, Carroll P, Lewin GR, Birchmeier C. The transcription factor c-Maf controls touch    receptor development and function. Science 16; 335(6074):1373-6.

2009     Bourane S, Garces A, Venteo S, Pattyn A, Hubert T, Fichard A, Puech S, Boukhaddaoui H, Baudet C, Takahashi S, Valmier J and Carroll P.’ Low-threshold mechanoreceptor subtypes selectively express MafA and are specified by Ret signaling’ Neuron  2009 Dec 24; 857-870.