Curriculum Vitae

Education :

    Laurea (Master) in Physics : 1996, University of Florence, Italy / Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

    PhD in Physics : 1999, Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon, France

    HDR : 2007, University of Nice Sophia Antipolis, France.

Institutions where I am or I have been working :

• Ecole Normale Supérieure de Lyon

• University of California at Santa Barbara, USA

• University of French Polynesia

• Aix-Marseille University

• Government of French Polynesia

• University of Reunion Island

Embassy of France in New Zealand

Embassy of France in the United States

Administrative Responsibilities I have or I had

• Attaché for Science and Technology Embassy of France in the United States

• Science and Higher Education Attaché and in charge of Sport at the Embassy of France in New Zealand

• Head of the Faculty of Science of the University of French Polynesia

Head of the Statistical, Evaluation and Performance Measurement (DEPP) of the French Polynesian Educational System office. Government of French Polynesia

• Member of National Evaluation Committee the French Research National Council (CoNRS)

• Member Administration Council of the University of French Polynesia