
MB4The DéTROI participates with  DSIMB and PIMIT laboratories in the piloting of the speciality master B4 (Biochemistry, Molecular Biology, Biotechnologies, Biomedical) of the Master’s degree mention life science on the UNIVERSITY -Department of Health of the University of La Reunion.

The objective of this Master’s degree is to offer a state-of-the-art formation in tools and methods of investigation in laboratory in the biomedical field.

This high-level formation concerns  various domains which are the stakes in the biology at this beginning of 21th century.

The teaching covers a very wide field from technical practice to methods of investigation, in the fundamental knowledge in biochemistry, molecular and cellular biology, microbiology, immunology, genomics, molecular, bioinformatic, physiology and epidemiology.
The “non-specialized” character of this formation in Master 1, has for objective to allow a wide public to follow this training course. A thematic specialization is proposed in Master 2 with the choice of options according to the professional project or to the pursuit of study of the student and also with an internship.