

  • Henriques, D., Borges, P., Ah-Peng, C., Gabriel, R. 2016. Contrasting elevational distribution patterns for liverworts and mosses in Terceira island, Azores : the influence of climate and space on bryophyte diversity, Journal of Bryology 38 (3) : 183-194
  • Coehlo, M.C.M., Elias, R., Kluge, J., Pereira, F., Henriques, D.S.G., Aranda, S.C., Borges, P.A.V., Ah-Peng C. & Gabriel R. 2016. Long term monitoring across elevational gradients (II): vascular plants on Pico island (Azores) transect, Archipelago-Life and Sciences 33: 21-44
  • Krenn, H.W., Fournel J., Bauder, J.A.-S. & Hugel S. (2016). Mouth parts and nectar feeding of the flower visiting cricket Glomeremus orchidophilus (Gryllacrididae), Arthropod Structure & Development 45: 221-229 IF 1,650
  • Borges, P.A.V., Cardoso, P., Gabriel, R., Ah-Peng C., & Emerson, B.C. (2016). Challenges, advance and perspectives in island biogeography, Frontiers of Biogeography 8.2, e29136
  • Manuel J. Steinbauer, Field R., Grytnes J.-A, Trigas P., Ah-Peng C., Attorre F., H. John B. Birks H.J.B., Borges P.A.V, Cardoso P., Chou C.-H., De Sanctis M., de Sequeira M.M., Duarte M.C., Elias R.-B., Fernández-Palacios J.-M., Gabriel R., Gereau R.-E, Gillespie R.-G., Greimler J., Harter D. E.V., Huang T.J., Irl S.D.H, Jeanmonod D., Jentsch A., Jump A.S., Kueffer C., Nogué S., Otto R., Price J., Romeiras M.M., Strasberg D., Stuessy T., Svenning J.-C., Vetaas O.R., Beierkuhnlein C. Topography-driven isolation, speciation and a global increase of endemism with elevation. Global Ecology and Biogeography (in press)
  • Shang, X., Chazette P., Totems J., Dieudonné E., Hamonou, E., Duflot, V., Strasberg D., Flores O., Fournel J. & Tulet P. 2016. Tropical forests of Réunion Island classified from airborne full-wave-form LiDAR measurements. Remote sensing 8 (1): 43.
  • Crous, P.W., M.J. Wingfield, D.M. Richardson, J.J. Le Roux, D. Strasberg, J. Edwards, F. Roets, V. Hubka, P.W.J. Taylor, M. Heykoop, M.P. Martín, G. Moreno, D.A. Sutton, N.P. Wiederhold, C.W. Barnes, J.R. Carlavilla, J. Gené, A. Giraldo, V. Guarnaccia, J. Guarro, M. Hernandez-Restrepo, M. Kolařík, J.L. Manjón, I.G. Pascoe, E.S. Popov, M. Sandoval-Denis, J.H.C. Woudenberg, K. Acharya, A.V. Alexandrova, P. Alvarado, R.N. Barbosa, I.G. Baseia, R.A. Blanchette, T. Boekhout, T.I. Burgess, J.F. Cano-Lira, A. Čmoková, R.A. Dimitrov, M.Yu. Dyakov, M. Dueñas, A.K. Dutta, F. Esteve-Raventós, A.G. Fedosova, J. Fournier, P. Gamboa, D.E. Gouliamova, T. Grebenc, M. Groenewald, B. Hanse, G.E.St.J. Hardy, B.W. Held, Ž. Jurjević, T. Kaewgrajang, K.P.D. Latha, L. Lombard, J.J. Luangsa-ard, P. Lysková, N. Mallátová, P. Manimohan, A.N. Miller, M. Mirabolfathy, O.V. Morozova, M. Obodai, N.T. Oliveira, M.E. Ordóñez, E.C. Otto, S. Paloi, S.W. Peterson, C. Phosri, J. Roux, W.A. Salazar, A. Sánchez, G.A. Sarria, H.-D. Shin, B.D.B. Silva, G.A. Silva, M.Th. Smith, C.M. Souza-Motta, A.M. Stchigel, M.M. Stoilova-Disheva, M.A. Sulzbacher, M.T. Telleria, C. Toapanta, J.M. Traba, N. Valenzuela-Lopez, R. Watling, J.Z. Groenewald (2016). Fungal planet description sheets : 400-468. Persoonia 36 : 316-458
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      • Hedderson, T. A. J., Gwynne-Evans, D., Ah-Peng, C. & Ribeiro, D. (2015). A contribution to the bryoflora of Mozambique from the 'Google Forest', Mabu Mountain, Zambezia Province. Journal of Bryology 37(1): 42-48.
      • Liu Y., Ah-Peng C., Wilding N., Bardat J., Devos N., Carter B. & Shaw A.J. (2015). Population structure in the tropical peatmoss, Sphagnum tumidulum Besch. (Sphagnaceae), the Bryologist 117(4): 329-335
      • Tribouillois, H., Fort, F., Cruz, P., Charles, R., Flores, O., Garnier, E. & Justes, E. 2015. A Functional Characterisation of a Wide Range of Cover Crop Species: Growth and Nitrogen Acquisition Rates, Leaf Traits and Ecological Strategies PLoS ONE, 10, e0122156
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      • Ellis, L. T., Ah-Peng, C., et al. (2015). New national and regional bryophyte records, 45. Journal of Bryology 37(4): 308-329.


      • Ah-Peng C., Flores, O., Wilding, N., Bardat J., Marline L., Hedderson T.A.J. & Strasberg D. (2014). Functional diversity of subalpine bryophyte communities in an oceanic island (la Réunion) Arctic Antarctic and Alpine research 46(4): 841-851
      • Flores O., Garnier E., Bernard-Verdier M., Testi B., Dìaz S., Pierce S., Reich P. B., Wright I. J., Bakker J. P., Bekker R. M., Brusa G., Ceriani R. M., Cornu G., Cruz P., Delcamp M., Dolezal J., Eriksson O., Fayolle A., Freitas H., Golodets C., Gourlet-Fleury S., Hodgson J. G., Kleyer M., Kunzmann D., Lavorel S., Pakeman R. J., Papanastasis V. P., Perez-Haroguindeguy N., Rusch G. M., Vendramini F., Weiher E. (2014). An evolutionary perspective on leaf economics: phylogenetics of leaf mass per area in vascular plants. Ecology and Evolution, 4(14): 2799-2811.
      • Flores O., Héraut B., Delcamp M., Garnier E., Gourlet-Fleury S. (2014). Functional traits of tropical trees help predict post-disturbance demography. PLOS One (doi:
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      • Réjou-Méchain M., Flores O., Pélissier R., Fayolle A., Fauvet N., Gourlet-Fleury S. (2014). Tropical tree assembly depends on the interactions between successional and soil filtering processes. Global Ecology and Biogeography, 23(12) 1440-1449
      • Coomes D., Flores O., Holdaway R., Jucker T., Lines, E., Vanderwel M. (2014). Wood productivity response to climate change will depend critically on forest composition and structure. Global Change Biology, 20(12) 3632-3645
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      • Wilding N., Ah-Peng C. & Hedderson T. (2013) Out of obscurity: on the identity of Entosthodon pertenellus (Broth.) Kis, The Polish Botanical Journal, 58 (2): 457-460
      • Patiño, J., Bisang I., Hedenas L., Dirkse G., Bjarnason, A. Ah-Peng C., Vanderpoorten, A. al. (2013) Baker’s law and the island syndromes in bryophytes, Journal of Ecology, 101: 1245-1255
      • Bernard-Verdier M., Flores O., Navas M.-L., Garnier E. (2013). Partitioning phylogenetic and functional diversity into alpha and beta components along an
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      • Ah-Peng C., J. Bardat, T. Hedderson, T. Pócs, L. Söderstrom, P. Staménoff, J. Wilbraham & D. Strasberg (sous presse) Bryophyte Red List of Réunion (Mascarene archipelago): liverworts and hornworts, Phytotaxa 68: 1-23
      • Bardat J. & Ah-Peng C. (2012) Contribution à la connaissance des communautés bryologiques de l’Ouest Océan Indien : exemple des coulées de lave de basse altitude du Piton de La Fournaise (Ile de La Réunion), Actes du colloque international de la phytosociologie sigmatiste, Brest (France)
      • Wright D.M, Tanentzap A. J., Flores O., Husheer S.W., Duncan R.P., Wiser S.K., Coomes D.A. (2012) Impacts of culling and exclusion of browsers on vegetation recovery across New Zealand forests. Biological Conservation, 153: 64–71.
      • Ah-Peng C., Wilding, N., Kluge, J., Descamps-Julien., B., Bardat, J., Chuah-Petiot, M., Strasberg, D., & Hedderson, T. (2012), Bryophyte diversity and range size distribution along two altitudinal gradients: continent vs. island, Acta Oecologica 42: 58-65.
      • Marline L., Andrimiarisoa R.L., Bardat J., Chuah-Petiot, M., Hedderson T., Reeb C., Strasberg D., Wilding N. & Ah-Peng C. (2012). Checklist of bryophytes from Madagascar, Cryptogamie Bryologie 33(3): 199-255


      • Ah-Peng C. & Bardat J. (2011) A new species of Microlejeunea (Lejeuneaceae) from La Réunion Island (Mascarenes archipelago), The Bryologist 114(4): 668-673
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      • Réjou-Méchain M., Flores O., Bourland N., Doucet J.-L., Fétéké F., Pasquier A., Hardy O.J. (2011) Spatial aggregation of tropical trees at multiple spatial scales. Journal of Ecology, 99: 1373–1381
      • Gourlet-Fleury S.; Rossi V, Réjou-Méchain M., Freycon, V., Fayolle A., Saint-André L., Cornu G., Gérard J., Sarrailh J.-M., Flores O., Baya F., Billand A., Fauvet N., Gally M., Henry M., Hubert D., Pasquier A., Picard N. (2011) Environmental filtering of dense-wooded species controls above-ground biomass stored in African moist forests. Journal of Ecology, 99: 981–990.
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      • Gauvin-Bialecki A., Ah-Peng C., Smadja J. & Strasberg D. 2010. Fragrance chemistry in the liverwort Drepanolejeunea madagascariensis (Steph.) Grolle from Réunion island (Indian ocean, Mascarene): approach by HS-SPME technique, Chemistry and biodiversity (7): 639-648
      • Ah-Peng C., Bardat J., Staménoff P. & Strasberg D. 2010. Diversité, endémicité et distribution des bryophytes à La Réunion Cryptogamie Bryologie 31(3): 241-270
      • Ah-Peng C., Bardat J., Ellis, L., Malombe I., Matcham H., Pócs T, Porley R., Sénéca A., Söderström L. & Wilbraham J., (2010) Additions to the bryoflora of Réunion Island 3: new and interesting records from the Tropical Bryology Group (British Bryological Society) Journal of Bryology 32: 288-295
      • Flores O., Coomes D. A. (2010) Estimating the wood density of species for carbon stock assessments. Methods in Ecology and Evolution. 2: 214–220.