Recently Cathleen Cybèle (PhD student) visited the Centre for Invasion Biology at Stellenbosch University. In this commentary, she reports on the aims of her stay in South Africa.

Recently Cathleen Cybèle (PhD student) visited the Centre for Invasion Biology at Stellenbosch University. In this commentary, she reports on the aims of her stay in South Africa.
Dans le cadre du tricentenaire de la présence française à l'Ile Maurice (20-25 septembre 2015), le cabinet de la présidence de Maurice et l'Institut Français de Maurice ont organisé une journée scientifique sur le thème suivant: "Botanique et Biodiversité", le 22 septembre 2015 de 8h45 à 12h30. Sous le haut patronage de Son Excellence, Madame Ameenah Gurib-Fakim, Présidente de la République de Maurice et de son Excellence, monsieur Laurent Garnier, Ambassadeur de France.
Connaissance et conservation des milieux naturels
Dans le cadre du nouveau programme cadre de la Recherche et de l'Innovation: Horizon 2020, la cellule Europe Nexa organise une semaine de rencontre et de discussions en présence de 7 chercheurs européens. Cette édition est consacrée à la Connaissance et la conservation des milieux naturels, thème phare des chercheurs de l'Université de La Réunion.
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by Florent Martos, postdoctoral fellow at the University of KwaZulu-Natal (South Africa)
Indigenous flowers found on remote oceanic islands mostly rely on small flying insects—such as bees, flies or beetles—in order to achieve pollination. The pollinating insects are primarily attracted to the olfactory cues emitted by these flowers in the environment. In the Reunion National Park, the main functional groups of pollinators and the insect species playing key roles in maintaining the natural plant communities have yet to be identified.
Elodie Moureau & Anouk Piteau (2015) - Rôle des bryophytes dans le bilan hydrique des forêts de montagne, Université de La Réunion 71 pp. Encadrants : O. Flores & C. Ah-Peng
The first Island Biology conference was hosted in Hawaii. The second conference will be happening in the Azores. Attendance at this conference is a must for any island biologist!
The “Island Biology 2016” (18-22 July 2016, University of Azores at Angra do Heroísmo, Terceira, Azores) conference webpage is:
Visit the webpage and register as soon as possible a Pre-Registration at
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The final meeting of MOVECLIM will be held in La Palma island (Canarias, 9-15th June 2015) organized by Juana Maria Mancebo Gonzalez, Raquel Hernandez Hernandez and Julio Leal Pérez from the University of La Laguna (Spain).
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A workshop in tropical bryology will take place from 25th to 30th May 2015, organized by C. Ah-Peng in the framework of the Feder Biodiversity project (WP 5.1). This lab and field meeting will be held at the IUT in Saint-Pierre. Bryologists from Madagascar, South Africa, Seychelles, Kenya, will gathered for this workshop and will provide training in the field of their expertise on moss family or genus. The workshop is free and open to local botanists; for your participation, please contact to register. Continuer la lecture