Assessment,  Teaching

We can’t detect it so what?

According to a new Forbes article the battle of AI detection is more or less finished. For now.

So what is the future for assessment in the classroom? Innovation vs back to tried and trusted heads down paper tests.


Innovative tests


  1. They need time to design and test.
  2. Some teachers are only accustomed to traditional tests so need support to adapt.
  3. As above, some students need to understand new testing methods and also to trust them.
  4. They can be challenging on many levels for struggling students.


  1. They can motivate teachers and students.
  2. Courses can stand out as different via innovative testing. Especially from standard English evaluations like IELTS and also highschool testing.
  3. Students can develop a new range of skills and view testing as less stressful.
  4. They open up a wide range of options from pair work to case study analysis, project work, learning portfolios etc etc.
  5. Teachers and students can decide on the level of AI involved from zero to high.

Now we must consider HOW to transition from standard testing to an innovative testing situation. Perhaps it isn’t a question of if but when.


Read the article here:



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