Shark Tank
Pi Ai is so much nicer and easier to use than ChatGPT and it understands and makes jokes. Perhaps that is good or worrying.
I developed this Shark Tank game to play on the phone app. It is for business English students to practise listening to business pitches to work on their listening comprehension and to hear examples so they can also develop their own pitches and styles. In addition, this trains them for our exam format so they will know what to expect on test day.
Download the free Pi Ai phone app then use this prompt and finally, click on the phone icon to play Shark Tank.
Let’s make a cool game about business pitches like shark tank. I want to be a judge and you should be the contestants. Pitch new products for a minute then ask me for some money to invest to grow your companies. I will ask you 2 questions then ask me if I will invest. I will say yes or no. Then do another pitch. Make sure you start by identifying a problem then introduce your product as the solution. Also mention your mission statement, objectives, staff, marketing and financial projections. Please start the conversation by introducing the game and procedure. Saying “welcome to shark tank. Listen to the pitches, ask questions then invest or don’t invest.” Then ask me “are you ready for the first pitch?”.

How AI do you go?