
What do students say??

Lancaster university’s student union did some research about student use of AI. The results are enlightening to say the least.

There is a great mini webinar summary in the post below:

Some teachers believe only the low students use AI for essays and assignments as they don’t have the required English level or knowledge level due to inadequate prior studies or a different in level between their last and current institution. Are these true and if so, are they the only reasons for AI use? In addition, if we have such a great free tool literally at our fingertips aren’t we morally obliged to use it?

One Comment


    This survey mostly shows what I suspected: our students don’t really know how to use AI. But I like the way they work with it for checking a course point, self-testing and revising their exams. In the end, not many seem to use AI for cheating – for the moment.

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